Quite a busy year for me as dubai expo striked. I was in charge or the full experience for the egyptian pavillion but also consultant for palestine, columbia and australia. Egypt won the the 3rd place for medium size pavillions and 2nd place by audience vote in the exhibitor magazine thanks to the experience my team and i delivered to the 1.5 million visitors during 6 months.
There was over 120 screens so it is impossible to resume everything here but Let me present you 3 out of 12 zones we worked on.
Suez canal zone and its impressive 21m long screen overlapped by 2 sliding screens
this area was also the center area for the grand finale show we created to end the guided visit.
The immersive room is an area dedicated to the beautiful landscape of egypt. from monuments and history to white desert and underwater dive. our team shot on site with a 360 camera to create an unforgattable experience for every visitors.
The time machine is a dynamic 360 cinema were visitors were able to travel through egypt history, from giza to the new administrative capital.

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